Preview is the built-in image and PDF viewer on Mac OS X. But most of the users may only use Preview as a viewer. Actually Preview is very powerful and if you know some tricks, you can boost your productivity and finish some little tasks quickly.
This article will introduce a trick, showing you how to combine PDF documents with Preview.
When you got some PDF files and you want to combine two or some of them into one single PDF file, you may google ‘PDF Merger Mac’. Actually Preview can do this job already. This is how it works, you can move the PDF pages from one PDF to another by dragging the thumbnails to combine two PDF files into one.
Please follow these steps to combine PDF file in Preview.
Step 1: Open the PDF documents, say you want to combine two PDF file into one. Open these two PDF document with Preview. Let’s say PDF A and PDF B.
Step 2: You can see the thumbnails on the left. If you can’t see the thumbnails, click ‘View -> Thumbnails to show thumbnails view.
Step 3: Select the thumbnails of the pages that you want to move from PDF A.
Step 4: Drag the selected thumbnails and drag them into PDF B’s thumbnail panel. Don’t release the mouse.
Step 5: Now move the mouse cursor to the place in PDF B where you want to merge into.
Step 6: Release the mouse and done. Click save or save as a new PDF file.
If you select all pages from PDF A, and move the pages to PDF B, then PDF A and PDF B are combined into one. Using the same method, you can insert any pages from one PDF to another.
Using the thumbnail panel, you can also rearrange the page order by dragging and dropping.
Introducing PDF Toolbox for Mac
But if you got dozens of PDF files or more, and want to combine PDFs into one PDF on Mac OS. This method apparently times wasting. Is there any way you can combine all PDF files into one in a few clicks? Try PDF Toolbox for Mac, you can merge PDF files, split PDF files, encrypt PDF file, compress PDF and even more.
Learn more about how to use PDF Toolbox for Mac>>